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Friday, February 15, 2008

AJAX: Usable Interactivity with Remote Scripting

This article aims to give you an introduction to the foundations of remote scripting, in particular, the emerging XMLHttpRequest protocol. We'll then walk through an example application that demonstrates how to implement that protocol, while creating a usable interface.

What Is Remote Scripting?
Essentially, remote scripting allows client-side JavaScript to request data from a server without having to refresh the Web page. That's it. Everything else that goes into making a seamless Web application draws upon the established methods of manipulating the Document Object Model. This might be something as simple as creating a list of words to select from, as per Google Suggest. Or it could involve the creation of an entire interface for navigating and zooming map images, like that at

However, along with the ability to create new Web experiences, remote scripting gives us the ability to make new unusable Web experiences. Remote scripting and seamless applications bring with them a host of problems from the desktop application design realm, making those same issues possible on the Web. It's your duty to ensure that your remote scripting interfaces address those issues, and give your users the best possible experience they can get.

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